Baro sida loo bilaabo ganacsi maanta

Waxaan barnaa oo aan tababarnaa ganacsatada cusub si ay fikradooda uga dhigaan ganacsi guuleysta.



Wax ka baro koorsooyinkayada waxbarashada


Hel tababare shakhsi ah


Waxbarashadu inta badan waxay ku dhacdaa fasallada laakiin qasab maaha. Qaado koorsooyinkayada bilowga onlaynka ah si aad wax badan uga barato ganacsiga.

Koorsooyinka la daabacay

Dib u eegista macaamiisha

Ardayda BAB Maxeey Dhaheen


Most frequent questions and answers

We educate and coach new entrepreneurs to make their idea become a successful business.

Himiladayadu waa in aan kobcino aqoonta iyo awoodda xirfadeed ee hal-abuurada Soomaaliyeed anagoo adeegsanayna koorsooyin hal-abuurnimo iyo tabobar shaqsiyeed si ay u gaaraan hammigooda ah in ay bilaabaan oo kobciyaan ganacsigooda.

Our mission is to equip Somali entrepreneurs with entrepreneurial knowledge and tools, guidance and coaching to allow them to transform their ideas into successful businesses. Our goals are to become a place where entrepreneurs turn to- To turn their ideas into businesses.

When you enroll in a course follow the onscreen instructions to see the price and make a payment.

For all questions you can contact us at:  If you find you have a question about a paid course while you’re taking it, you can search for answers to your question in the Q&A or ask the instructor.

BAB.ACADEMY courses are entirely on-demand. You can begin the course whenever you like, and there are no deadlines to complete it. BAB.ACADEMY courses can be accessed from several different devices and platforms, including a desktop, laptop, and our mobile app. After you enroll in a course, you can access it by clicking on the course link you will receive in your confirmation email (provided you’re logged into your BAB.ACADEMY account). You can also begin the course by logging in and navigating to your dashboard page.

Ma rabtaa inaad hesho dalabyo gaar ah iyo cusboonaysiinta Koorsada?